Hey I launched a coin on pump with my friends and im planning to send it to ray but before doing so I wanted to ask some questions. first question is what advantages does the dev adress have? (I dont want to hold a significant amount of coins on the dev wallet cause I once bought a frozen coin and dont know how bad that actually is ) second question is can any adress pay the ray fee and launch the coin if reaching 100% bonding curve? if yes, does it make sense to hold with no dev wallet? Im not planning any shit just want it to send it to ray, im not interested in actively engaging with the coin as a dev once it reached ray. So does it make sense to make new adress and buy coin and send it to ray with no dev wallet? or is the dev wallet somehow required? If so, would you use the dev wallet wich once got scammed from frozen coin? Is there somehow a backdoor for the wallet that once scammed me to scam me again? thanks for taking ur time. I look forward to get some informations or solutions cause I really want to push this forward but dont want to end up reaching my goal just to realize that some SOL pro farmed my wallet
submitted by /u/Blvckhat879
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