Ok so. As you will have seen.. I been helping launch and push a new coin fictional wealth. Some of the devs will see this post. If so unban me from discord would be nice. You cant let 1 guy overpower you all.
Anyway heres your main problem with coins. When you get involved in the social side the telegrams / discords.. Theres nice people and theres cut throat people. Now i been promoting this coin everywhere and working hard.. Wasting my own time.. As my Mrs said you are hardly ever off that phone nowadays with these coins.. Then noticed in the chat a guy Nikko 666 who didnt seem to like my work ethic and ideas pushing the coin. The rest were decent guys .. So anyway I got banned for telling them to take it easy and dont threaten bans. The coin is young and not even bonded I suggested that the coin could follow similar route to Snake wif Hat with a tight community.. Which got me a straight ban by power trip Dev Nikoo 666 . So the moral of the story is .. In these chats and groups you are controlled to what they want you cannot be yourself or express your ideas .. Dont waste your time working and shilling and helping coins because they will kick the dirt back in your face. They only care about the Devs .. Theres about 5-10 devs every coin if a chat as 100 or 10000 members they are worthless .. The Devs run the show in those group and they dont care about anyone else.
Finally.. If you have not got into meme coins yet .. My advice STAY AWAY. Its an addiction. Itl cause stress & cause you to fight with your real partner etc and things in actual life, caused over discords and telegrams with people who dont give a crap about you .. Focus on your real life before its ruined and not some virtual meme coin nonsense.
submitted by /u/MC_1189
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