Solana Memecoins

Ok, so it might not be the next big thing, or the next medium thing, or even the next tiny thing. It might not be anything at all. I just created this token about an hour ago, just to see how easy it was. I just slapped a picture of my Corgi as the picture and here we are.

I have no clue what I am doing. I’m just curious to see how far it would go. At this rate, its not going anywhere at all, but that’s alright.

I have no plans, roadmaps, goals, or anything else to provide. This is not a charity coin. I’m not adopting platypuses every 100k MC (although I think that the people over at PLATH are doing a fantastic job). I have no new technology or innovations to promise. I don’t even know what tokenomics really are.

Since people are doing it for the LOLs, I figured why not try something.

Maybe if we get far enough, I’ll create a telegram group like what the cool kids are doing. I could share cute Corgi pics if it tickles your fancy.

All I can say is, I typed this myself without generating anything on ChatGPT.

So I guess I need to mention some other “keywords” I see on other posts, so here goes…

1) Next big thing… blah blah
2) No Rug-Pull and stuff
3) Here to stay
4) Not just another crappy project (this one is)
5) Dedicated Team of just me

If you have a dollar to drop, here is the CA: FEbdJpPtfonBL7yi1DqBGjjU7Jh5yTKpmYH4kAqYpump

Once again, please don’t put too much as I have really no idea what this is. Do your own research for I sure have not.

submitted by /u/PashedddMotatoes
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