Solana Memecoins

This is just gonna be a rant, but common man really? if you name a token I’m gonna take a shit, and expect it to pump to 100k, even with a community of 800-1k+ people tokens with horrible narratives FAIL, execpt for that .0001%, and if you say “Oh but people post tokens about elon and it goes 1 million ohh!!!” those don’t hold value, they die and crash if you want a utility token make it have a good narrative. The only 3 good ones I’ve seen while scouring this sub reddit were pyrate, it has alot of art and its generally good. $SORRY, this one is like pyrate in the sense and it’s also doing good community wise, its pre launch still. And lastly I’d probably go with $RAWW, this isn’t a shill in any form but all these tokens have a decently mildly good aspect/narrative which isn’t and I say again, something dumb like “fly to the sun” token

submitted by /u/Icy_Ad5034
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