Solana Memecoins

I remember the CATBAT community being in reddit and doing an excellent job creating awareness around their project.

They hovered around the same market cap for a long period of time and then boom, the run up began.

Is their a community that reminds you of them. Where the MC may be low, (under $100K) but the the base holds strong. Community members have not lost belief in the mission. Almost as if, they are not even looking at the MC, they are just focused on spreading the word, continuing to look for ways to innovate and inspire.

The market conditions are not ideal which to me means these types of communities could see historic run ups when the market starts snapping back. I want to be part of a journey with a community that goes from under 100K to over 3-4M….I have not yet experienced that and I really want to see what that feels like.

Not just from a financial position where my bag is worth a lot more, but from a sense of pride, knowing I was able to be a part of a team that did something very special. GIVE ME THE PROJECT!!

submitted by /u/AccomplishedBall9400
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