A week ago I was wondering which meme coin I should create! I wanted to create something special and different without complications.
So I decided to create a token on Flaunch with a name Crypto!
When you say “the ticker is crypto,” it’s important to understand that “crypto” itself isn’t a single ticker. Instead, “crypto” refers to the broad category of cryptocurrencies.
Many crypto names are completely new words, that have been invented to try and create a brand, but here I decided to be organic and not to invent something new and just use the word Crypto!
The name Crypto within the cryptocurrency world are remarkably diverse and often quite unique, reflecting the innovative and sometimes whimsical nature of the technology itself.
I don’t need to hold a bag, it’s a community driving token with automatic buyback from the fees collected a long with revenue sharing of 50/50 for dev and community.
I would like your thoughts please before I decide to push this project with marketing and create website and so on!
submitted by /u/Masricano
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