I just discovered this sub, looking for somewhere to find new coins/learn about the space but all I can see here are people shilling their shitcoins. Is there something I am missing? Do mods remove these scams?? Just trying to find a community where I can learn more about this space. Appreciate any and all help.
and why the fuck does a post need to contain 1000 characters?!
these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words these are just filler words
submitted by /u/CommandVisual6943
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