The market had some great news yesterday.
Now it is time to find those projects that just don’t pick up on some sort of hype. The ones that go parabolic are typically communities with strong belief.
So what will be the next big thing? What has a low MC project (under $250K) that has the potential to get into the millions in the next week or so?
I know it seems weird to say week and think about meme coins as most our dead within 48 hours or rugged even faster. But I know good communities exist. I know that not all DEV’s are going to rug. The challenge is finding them.
I do love being in tg’s where a lot of times it is just people talking. It’s not always, we are going to the moon or something like that. I love seeing people just talking to one another. Those are the projects where I know the people are real #1 and I know the bond between those people is going to get even stronger #2.
That strong community spirit, belief in the project and belief in one another is what I want to find, because that is what I believe it takes to go PARABOLIC! Guide me there please!!
submitted by /u/AccomplishedBall9400
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