Auto-removed on r/Solana, for some reason, so help me out here.
So I’m feeling like trying something new; I think “Maybe I should play with some Axiom shitcoins”, because maybe, the kelly criterion applies here. I don’t know. Only invest what you can afford to lose, right?
Well, I can’t even use the 20$ I want to put into SOL, because NOBODY WILL FUCKING SELL ME ANY.
That’s right, they just won’t!
My bank won’t let me (unless I call them first),
Coinbase won’t let me (after I preumptively call my bank),
Stripe/the other providers either error out or want impossible KYC info before they’ll even look at my card,
and Paypal won’t let me send PYUSD to the solana wallet for conversion (They suck ass). If there were some P2P exchange where I paypal someone the 20 bucks in exchange for a seed phrase worth that much, I’d even try that, but there doesn’t seem to be one of those either.
So, it is in this bullshit qualm that I must ask;
How did you guys actually buy any?
submitted by /u/Doritodude77
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