Now listen here, I done seen a lotta coins come and go, more rugs than my grandma’s livin’ room, I tell ya what. But lemme tell y’all somethin’… this one right here? It’s called SORRY, and heck if that ain’t the most honest name I ever seen in crypto.
Ain’t launched yet, but I reckon it’s already got folks apologizin’ for no dang reason.
Every time somebody sneezes in this chat, it’s “SORRY.”
Every time a man breathes too loud, it’s “SORRY.”
Shoot, I done said sorry to my own dog today, and he just looked at me like I lost my mind.
But let me tell ya somethin’… this ain’t no fancy city-boy coin with all them backdoor deals. Nah, this here’s a coin from the trenches — for folks like me and you, sittin’ on a porch, holdin’ bags heavier than a hog at Christmas.
Ain’t no launch yet — but when it drops?
Y’all gonna be SORRY you ain’t in.
If you like coins with more apologies than my ex after stealin’ my truck, come pull up a chair:
submitted by /u/loudmouse123
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