Now you’re probably thinking “what the fuck is this shit” – Well, let me tell you about this shit.
YEPE spawned onto the blockchain on Feb 22nd. Shit was lit. Memes spawned like crazy.
There was really nothing behind YEPE in the beginning. No TG, no X, no nothing.
All this happened because a group of degenerates decided that YEPE is the greatest meme coin of all time.
YEPE hits you right in the nuts and takes you on a nostalgia trip back to the 2010’s. Back to when memes were dope, Kanye was lit, and life was easy. Now life ain’t easy anymore. It’s hard af. Just like my dick.
My dick when I think about this community. When I look at the memes. It hurts, bro. But in a good way.
Back to YEPE
There’s something special about the jpeg that is YEPE. Somehow liking YEPE is a predictor of your interests, humor, and general view of life. I have yet to find one genuine YEPE I don’t like. It’s like an attractor of awesomeness.
YEPE is on a mission. Fuck a MC. We are taking this baby to the top 5 of all meme coins. And it will stay there.
Trust me bro.
The first X-Space, to really introduce you to YEPE (Starts at 02:15)
submitted by /u/kamikaze_punk
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