Solana Memecoins

So I know very little about crypto but I have multiple people telling me that this new coin, VR1, is legit and the creator is heavily invested in this working as a functional coin for his established VR facility and eventually other arcade business using it as currency to play as well as currency customers can earn from playing.

I have a small degree of experience in stocks and options and I know the risk for something like this is astronomical but I was curious if someone could give me a unbiased evaluation of this coin. I feel confident its not a rugpull based on the market cap and how much the creator has invested in this and since he has tied it to his currently functional retail business but I really have no idea if this has a real chance in the 6+ months range of actually surviving.

There’s so much clutter out there I feel like maybe after the initial pump itl just fade away as investors decide to cash out and move on but this isn’t my world.

Why does this sub require a thousand characters? Why say lot word when few word do trick?

submitted by /u/Tom_Bombadilio
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