So I came across this wild thread on X some dude is trying to pull off a one red paper clip 2.0 or some shit but instead of a paperclip, he started with a furby lol … and instead of just straight bartering, he made a meme coin to fuel the movement.
At first, I rolled my eyes because let’s be real these days 99/100 times these meme coin projects on Dex and especially pump fun are just rug pulls waiting to happen. But here’s the twist: he locked his dev wallet live on stream for a whole year. No quick cash out, no shady backdoor moves he literally made it impossible to rug. So far the mc for his coin is at 32k i had to put $20 in lol
The whole thing is being live streamed on his X, so you can actually watch him negotiating trades in real-time. He’s already moved up from the Furby to a disco ball and from the disco ball to a brand new nintendo switch.
It’s like the perfect mix of nostalgia, degenerate crypto culture, and social media virality. If nothing else, it’s going to be hilarious to watch unfold. Either he ends up with a house, or this becomes another weird chapter in internet/memecoin history.
Anyone else seen this? What are the odds he actually pulls it off?
submitted by /u/Kind_Strategy_6708
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