I don’t know what’s happening anymore. Ever since I joined SORRY, I’ve been saying “sorry” to everyone and everything. Bumped into a chair? “Sorry, mate.” Stepped on a leaf? “Sorry didn’t mean it, bro.” Microwave beeped too loud? “Chill man, I said sorry.”
And don’t even get me started on the chat. I came for the memes, stayed for the degenerate family I never knew I needed. No bots, no fake hype, just a bunch of absolute lunatics waiting for launch while throwing out “SORRY” like it’s a damn currency.
Has it launched? Nope.
Do I care? Also nope.
This is the most fun I’ve had before a token even exists.
If you don’t join now, i think you’ll be real sorry later. 🔗 https://linktr.ee/sorry_on_sol
TL;DR: SORRY is taking over my vocabulary, and my life. No regrets.
submitted by /u/loudmouse123
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