Solana Memecoins

Well, well, well… back in my day, a sorry was just a word. You bumped into someone, you said sorry. You forgot your anniversary? You really said sorry. But now, my dear whippersnappers, a SORRY ain’t just an apology, it’s a memecoin, and by golly, it’s a good one.

Ever heard of the slow loris? Of course, you have. Every generation knows this little rascal. The young folks love it because it’s adorable. The internet made it famous with videos of it raising its tiny hands like it just got caught red-handed. And us older folks? We see those big, round, guilty eyes and think, “That’s the face I made when I broke Mom’s favorite vase in 1947.”

The slow loris is more than just cute. It’s one of the only venomous mammals on Earth. That’s right, under those innocent eyes, it’s got a secret weapon. It licks its own elbows (weird flex, but okay) to mix venom with its bite. Cute but deadly, just like missing out on SORRY could be for your portfolio.

Back in my day, we had stocks and bonds, but this? This is history in the making. The market’s heating up, new coins are flying, and let me tell you, SORRY has everything it takes to be the next big thing.

You miss the dip? SORRY. You FOMO in too late? SORRY. You don’t get in now? Oh boy, you’ll be saying SORRY all the way to the moon.

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submitted by /u/ahmet3890
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