The market is down, Solana is on its arse, and big memecoins are losing solid holders to pump-and-dump scams. Celebrities and influencers, FUCK EVEN PRESIDENTS are sucking liquidity from real projects and rugging their followers—it’s a fucking mess.
I feel though as if maximum pain is near. We have to feel this pain for people to go ahead and lose money to these shit coins. It will make them realise that these solid long term community projects are not worth letting go for a quick pump. Some may profit but most people will lose. Stop the gambling!
The community I’m discussing directly here is , $SSSSS Snakewifhat. We’ve faced tons of FUD, even though every other Solana meme project is in a bit of a tight spot right now, but we know where we’re going—and when we reverse, it’ll be like never before.
The FUD is bullish. We are unfazed by these actions!
Behind the scenes:
• Umbrella team set up for future partnerships • Marketing is in motion • Social media expansion (TikTok, Instagram & more) • Community pushing every day across all platforms • Merch upgrades (& maybe plushies?)
This team & community are different—don’t regret leaving a solid project for the latest cash grab. We’re here to stay.
New Instagram in Linktree below:
submitted by /u/Froglover378
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