This is my personal experience with the coin as someone relatively new to the meme coin scene. I found the telegram group through a Reddit post two days before launch. I wanted to buy as soon as it was launched (obviously), but the CA was posted incorrectly by the dev that rugged us (Snoot)(bastard….). The coin didn’t do too great after that and I ended up losing a decent chunk of my SOL. Luckily I was still watching the telegram group and saw when the last big team wallet sold out (160m tokens). The team member made a detailed post about what happened behind the scenes with Snoot stealing around $100,000. It’s currently pinned in the telegram so I would recommend checking it if you’re interested. This dropped the coin to a 15k market cap. Despite the low market cap the telegram was BUSY. Even after everyone was down members were still showing up for the community. This resilience is what made me buy back in. I started buying at 15k market cap and I’m going to continue buying at the current 80k market cap. There will continue to be longevity in this project by how strong the community is.
TL;DR – the community is cool and resilient. A good buy in my personal opinion. Also I don’t have to worry about being rugged anymore 🤣
submitted by /u/Seven_bro
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