I want to tell everyone the secret of how to quickly launch your crypto exchanger, literally in 2-3 days. The secret is simple. We just take the API of Moonacy Protocol. To make a long story short, I came across Moonacy Protocol (a cross-chain exchanger).
You’ve probably seen their ads. The guys do nice things. Anyway, they have an open API integration. On their website they even say “use it”. I thought, “Can I just go ahead and make my own exchanger?” The way it works is simple. You just connect (there’s all the documentation, it’s easy).
You can use their liquidity with it. By the way, it’s like they have it there, you can stake into their liquidity pool, and you just make money on your exchanger’s commissions. You don’t have to fool around with liquidity providers and all that other stuff.
I think you can do a lot with it: add a cryptocurrency exchange to your website, or create a bot in Telegram (which is what I do). In general, it’s easy: you take the API, connect it to your service (well, it will be more difficult to create a nice wrapper), adjust commissions, test and start working.
Here you have your own exchanger. I’m actually embarrassed because it sounds really easy. I know that many DeFi projects use similar APIs. So, in what way am I worse than the others))?
In short, to avoid creating all these actions from scratch, use this API.
submitted by /u/PaleFig5
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