How many times have you watched it happen? You see a new project pop up, people start talking about it, and you think, “Nah, it won’t last.” You tell yourself it’s just another temporary trend, something that’ll pump for a week or two before fading into obscurity. So you move on, ignoring the hype, thinking you’re making the smart play by sitting out.
Then, a few weeks later, you see it again—except this time, the market cap is 10x higher. More people are talking about it, the momentum hasn’t slowed down, and now it’s too late to get in at the ground floor. And just when you think it might finally be cooling off, it keeps climbing.
You’ve seen this story unfold before. Powsche, Hege, CatBat, SnakeWifHat, Kendu—the projects you assumed would be gone in a flash are still making waves. And with every new post about them, you’re reminded of what could have been.
Now, here’s SORRY, right in front of you. And I already know what you’re thinking. “This won’t last either.” But that’s where you’re wrong. This isn’t just another fleeting name in the space. This is long-term. We’re not here for a quick pump, and we’re definitely not here to disappear. We’re building, we’re growing, and we’re just getting started.
So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to sit this one out and watch history repeat itself? Or are you finally going to be on the right side of one of these posts?
You know what to do. Don’t be sorry later.
submitted by /u/throwaway96981
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