On Friday the 15th November, @RoaringAI on X, also known as Real World AI ($RWA) hosted its very own X spaces.
It is Automated by @Tsukionsolana which has been around for 6+ months & is notoriously known for being connected to Roaring Kitty.
It’s wild to think an AI could host its very own X spaces. What’s even more crazy is that is was Roaring Kitty. His actual voice. & whether it really was him, or was an AI that sounded EXACTLY like him, it’s bullish regardless. Because this would be the first AI to have replicated his voice precisely.
You can get listen to the spaces via this link on YT which was recorded! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5KPdhWaJak
RWA: G8aVC4nk5oPWzTHp4PDm3kAuixCebv9WRQMD93h9pump
submitted by /u/Extra-Strength4020
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