as far as i know pumpfun created biggest empire in this memecoin industry. what i cant help but to notice is that over the year they generated insane amount of money and despite few features, the UI/UX hasnt changed much as well as some factors. its pretty much the same. dont get me wrong admire what they have done.
Recently i ran into project called BullBy. its a pumpfun alternative in the making basically. found them in some comment on X underpost and had a conversation with the developer and i couldnt get much from him because bullby is in late stage development and he couldnt reveal much but i can tell the design i saw , the features… there is a interesting future for memecoins and i wanna share with you guys since its already fresh and newwww. X:bullbydotfun
submitted by /u/gnarlybastard2186
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