Hey guys!
Once again, I’m here to shill my favourite little platypus — $PLATH. Yet another massive day, managed to break 500k, after a small correction to around 420k we are back up to 480k and growing
I really believe this could be the next coin to hit the multiple millions because of these key defining features
All art is hand drawn art from a singular artist, no ai
Original utility bot designed by our resident coder (getting dropped asap – example videos pinned in the chat)
We adopt platypus at each market cap milestone (100k) through the WWF adopt a platypus scheme – we’ve adopted 8 so far!
And the sheer determination, transparency & hard work 24/7 from the team is just so commendable.
Everything about this project is a green flag.
Anyway, as always DYOR and my advice would be come in to the telegram, ask a few questions and say hello – I’m sure you’ll see what I mean
Thanks for reading guys!
Radio gnome
Telegram: @ plathportal
Ca: 7wMutxpCdP3GbKaoMWoPVf2sFLCeV7a9ox25v1h2QsTp
submitted by /u/Crypto-gnome
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