Hi all, there is a an app on your phone called Pi and it mines a cryptocurrency called Pi. It has been around for 6 years and is trusted by Stanford edu website as it’s made by 2 Stanford PhD’s, one of which is a prof there and has committed to Pi full time now. They have built a whole ecosystem with over 60 million people on the app. There is a map of worldwide business accepting Pi and it has multiple in every city globally. It is in over 200+ countries and 50+ languages.
In just a week of launch it is the number 1 trending crypto and has volume matching ETH and BTC and only available on 6/30 top platforms. You have a big chance for real money gains here. It recently launched a week ago and is about $2.70/Pi. It has over 60 million on the app, is over 150 countries and 20+ languages.
Comment if you want to know more or want my referral code as you do get 1 Pi and an upgraded mining rate with it.
Not selling anyone on anything, it’s free and easy to do. Worth it once a day in my opinion.
submitted by /u/Epidemilk_
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