Solana Memecoins

I’m interested in finding the metrics that the community look for when it comes to non-meme coins – i.e those with true utility. I want to understand what people look for, want to see and that should be the coin that ‘takes of’.

Now, here is my list thus far, partial:
– Coin should have an established value driver. I.e must provide value through holding and usage beyond what pure ‘speculation’ would drive.
– There should be a metric to that of the value of the coin and better – if such value can be verifiable/calculable and quantifiable to some extent.
– The coin should have a well balance tokenonomic: where ‘founders’ should not have or own any type of outsized percentages of coins.
– The coin, if possible, should have a form of recurring contribution for ‘locking’ or similar staking mechanism.

I am looking towards gamified coins and mechanics. Is there anything like this out there? Sure, I know of Axis Infinity and a few others: but they kind of don’t fit the bill.

And for those reading the post; do you believe that such tokens/coins will take of or are we now in a pure meme coin era of crypto?

submitted by /u/AndyHenr
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