I’ve just been buying Capybara Nation Cryptocurrency ($BARA)! Earning 50% p.a. through Crypto.com if you stake it is worth it! I’m just re-staking what I earn from my staked tokens. Rinse and repeat. Eventually it will go up when $BTC goes up. I’m almost at 50 million $BARA tokens and will keep doing what I’m doing. Also… $BARA has a Total Supply of 100 Trillion compared to $SHIBA with its Total Supply of 589+ Trillion. Just give it time! Once $BARA is added to more Crypto Exchanges it will go up… I think $BARA is only listed on two Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Crypto.com and VVS Finance V2 (Cronos).
What do you think? Am I crazy lol? 😂 Are there any other low cap meme coins you are targeting right now? I was in $SHIBA and $DOGE way back when. Maybe I’ll buy back into those too. Need to do more due diligence maybe…
I’ve just been buying Capybara Nation Cryptocurrency ($BARA)! Earning 50% p.a. through Crypto.com if you stake it is worth it! I’m just re-staking what I earn from my staked tokens. Rinse and repeat. Eventually it will go up when $BTC goes up. I’m almost at 50 million $BARA tokens and will keep doing what I’m doing. Also… $BARA has a Total Supply of 100 Trillion compared to $SHIBA with its Total Supply of 589+ Trillion. Just give it time! Once $BARA is added to more Crypto Exchanges it will go up… I think $BARA is only listed on two Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Crypto.com and VVS Finance V2 (Cronos).
submitted by /u/TexGay
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