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It’s Blokky again and this morning I’m writing a post for people who’ve woken up, checked out their wallet and shat the bed. It’s natural to be a bit pissed off right now, or even worried and afraid, but let’s zoom out together and think this through properly. Fear and Greed Index: This blip is nothing out of the ordinary. Today, on CoinMarketCap, the Fear and Greed Index sits at at 47. This is a normal retracement from the highs of late November-early December where we sat at around 80+ for multiple weeks post-election. BiTBO has a historical F&G index which is worth taking a look at right now too. BiTBO measures F&G at 60 currently, which is low compared to what we’ve become used to these last few months, but lines up almost exactly with the lows experienced in 2021 at this time of year. During that run, the index dipped down to 55 before we ran wild with true euphoria. Social Media and KOLs: Mood swings boost engagement. I’m seeing a lot of fear on my timelines at the moment, which seems insane considering we’ve all been shouting ‘2025 bull run’ for the past year, but these are just normal mood swings for your standard KOL and, personally, I think they’re all a bunch of drama queens. Remember how the media sensationalises for clicks? Guess what KOLs do too. Take everything they say with a pinch of salt. If everyone around you is acting like it’s the end of the world, then there’s a good chance that the bottom is in. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest jeet of all? I won’t mention it’s name, but I’ll refer to the chart and we’ll call it the Boogeyman for now. If you think the bull run is over at this moment in time, you’re clinically insane. These are absolutely crucial levels, but charts go up and down, they retrace, and testing local lows is normal, healthy and, if successful around this level, extremely bullish. There was an all-time high less than two weeks ago! Until we go lower than $92k, we’re fine. If we stay higher than $98k, we party. If we bounce between these levels, we accumulate. Simple. Final thoughts. Trump’s policies have had a huge impact on the traditional markets, but this is already priced in. Selling now is quite possibly selling at the lowest point we’ll be at before we begin the euphoric next leg. If you’re thinking of selling right now, take a break from crypto and do something healthy. There’s more to life than charts, especially when they’re red, and this is merely a blip. Spend some time with family, friends, or even alone out in nature, and remind yourself why you’re here, what you’re working towards, and why it will all be worth it in the end. Look around you right now and take notice of those who are still putting in the work and remaining rational. I’m a $PYRATE through-and-through, but that’s the greatest advice I can give you even if this project isn’t for you. There’s a lot of crap in our space, but there are plenty of real ones too. If you’re feeling low today, come hang out with the crew and see if we can put a smile on your face! I bet we can. 🙂
submitted by /u/WesternVirtual868 |
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