Major is a groundbreaking star-collecting game exclusively on Telegram. Launched on July 3, 2024, it’s the platform’s first rating-based game. Players accumulate stars to climb the ranks, unlocking increasing rewards. This unique Telegram mini-app allows users to effortlessly connect their wallets and earn $MAJOR tokens by completing daily tasks. With over 10 million users and 3 million connected wallets, MAJOR has rapidly gained popularity without traditional venture capital backing.
The game encourages strategic gameplay through squad formation, where players can team up to boost rewards. To prevent idle accounts from diluting the system, MAJOR implements a rating-burning mechanism. Additionally, players can earn extra rewards through in-game spins and tasks.
MAJOR is at the forefront of the TON blockchain gaming trend on Telegram. Its “Tap to Earn” model combined with airdrops has proven highly engaging, resulting in millions of users within its first ten days. The game’s success is further solidified by a profitable in-app purchase model. With its upcoming launch on Bitget Pre-Market on August 8th, MAJOR is poised to make significant waves in the gaming and cryptocurrency industries.
submitted by /u/flashamazin
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