I was following 5 of the top and most active wallets on the KOL leader board to see how they pull $100k+ a day and in the last 2 hrs alone all they’ve done is jump into the same coins as each other and pumping it and dumping it over and over and rotating to the next one.
They’ve managed to kill off at least 3 – 4 tokens and rake in around $2-3k per token.
They also control when the dump happens, so I’m assuming the top KOLs are just sitting in a discord call coordinating when it’s about to drop so they sell at the same time and pump at the same time to bait in copy traders/wallet trackers and then just dump on their ass before they can get a chance to sell.
I have never seen a single wallet make a solid play on a token that they didn’t already know about or control, yet these same influencer accounts sit on crypto twitter and talk all day about how they’ve made millions and baiting in more idiots so they can lead them to the slaughter.
Also please don’t shill your shitcoins in this thread, idc about catbat or whatever the fuck people wanna sell I just wanted to point out how controlled and manipulated a lot of this market space is.
Solana will never see mainstream adoption if more than half the scene is just scam artists and shit coin peddlers lmao.
submitted by /u/Contract007
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