Solana Memecoins

LayerEdge is a verification layer built on Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) security. It aggregates and verifies zero-knowledge (zk) proofs from various decentralized protocols, allowing them to inherit Bitcoin’s unmatched security. By leveraging zk-proof aggregation, LayerEdge ensures cost-effective and scalable verification. LayerEdge operates as an verification layer for zk-proofs using aggregation to amortize the costs. Proofs from zk protocols are aggregated, reducing the computational and onchain verification costs. The final aggregated proof is then settled on Bitcoin’s L1, utilizing its PoW security to ensure trust and immutability. This model allows LayerEdge to offer scalable and secure proof verification for various applications.

They have just launched their incentivized testnet and you can participate using your phone itself.

Earn LayerEdge Points by accessing the dashboard in participating in running a lightnode, quests, referral and more!

Please use my referral code. 👇


submitted by /u/diwalost
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