Hi everyone! This might sound like a sob story to some of you so sorry in advance. I’m a 20-year-old girl living with my mom and 2 sisters in a 3 room apartment in a not-so-rich neighborhood in Sweden. I’ve always dreamed of helping my mom get her own house, where we can create a safe and loving environment. She has worked hard all her life to give us the best, and I truly want to give back and make her dream come true. I know it can be a challenge to save for a house, but I’ve become interested in cryptocurrencies and how they can be a way to invest and grow my savings. I’m completely new to this field and would really appreciate tips and advice from those of you who have experience in crypto investing. I want to learn how to invest smartly and make the right choices to maximize my chances of reaching my goal. I’ve started reading about different cryptocurrencies and platforms, but there’s so much information out there, and I don’t want to make mistakes that could cost me money. I’m particularly interested in how to start with small investments and gradually build a portfolio. If you have any recommendations for resources, books, or even specific cryptocurrencies that you think I should look into, I would be incredibly grateful.
My dream is to be able to move out and create a life for myself, but first, I want to make sure my mom is taken care of. I know it will take time and commitment, but with the right guidance, I believe I can do it. Thank you in advance for any tips and advice you can provide and thank you for taking your time reading this, dms are open! ❤️🤞
submitted by /u/Ellalovesyoubtw
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