Solana Memecoins

So to preface I tried multiple different meme coin trading set ups.

I made a Photon Wallet and used DexScreener to initially learn about meme coins and investing, I started with about ~$300 and put money into both SOL / $MLG and this shot up to like ~$500 before it dropped back down to $350.

At this point I was like fuck it I’ll learn about Proton / Bullx and practice trading like these Kick streamers who make like 40-50k a day on coins, so I start watching videos and learning about it.

I put $100 into my Proton / Bullx wallets and my strategy initially was just to find brand new coins that came out that had a decent starting volume to see if I can quickly 2x-3x a small $15-20 investment.

I would buy into a new coin low, it would spike and before I can cash out in seconds it crashes to zero.

Between playing with low amounts, dealing with rug pulls on new coins and paying fees per transaction I blew through a $100 like it was nothing haha.

I still have my money tied up in my Phantom wallet, $MLG seems to be doing well and SOL balance is still there in case that spikes but overall I’m down from where I started and feeling really discouraged.

Is there a better way to learn trading meme coins? I’m open to any type of advice, I’m so tired of losing money lol.

submitted by /u/Contract007
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