TL;DR: Decentralised, serverless compute – not dissimilar to Grass. You’re early. Rack up points now, and benefit later.
What is it?
Gradient Network is an open platform for edge computing built on Solana, aiming to decentralise and democratise cloud infrastructure. It envisions an inclusive, affordable compute system driven by AI inference, content delivery, and serverless functions.
Their phased approach, inspired by “Gradient Descent,” focuses on pervasive connectivity, homogenized computation, and adaptive orchestration. The network’s initial product, #GradientSentry, in Open Beta, helps map global connectivity and ensures computational resource availability. The platform seeks to shift control away from big tech, promoting decentralized, edge-based compute infrastructure.
Click here to join.
(Yes, that’s a referral link, but we both get bonus points for using it).
submitted by /u/Important_Let2828
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