Solana Memecoins

I have found some wallets that reliably receive transfers of newly created SPL tokens from a central distributor <5 minutes before the token is available on Jupiter/Bullx/Axiom/etc.

100% of the time, these tokens go up hundreds-thousands of % and these wallets all sell — so they ultimately buy $0 worth (b/c they receive) yet can sell $X,000 worth.

I have setup alerts to become aware of whenever these wallets receive an SPL token and tried buying on Jupiter but was hit with “Tokens not tradable.” After a few refreshes, the token was available for me to swap buy w/ SOL and I did, but I was one of many who got in after the market cap already sky rocketed. The price kept going up, but regardless I got in after the insiders, not with the insiders like I’m hoping.

I tracked these SPL tokens on solscan and see they’re created with Metaplex. I plan to dig deeper into their docs to see if I can do a swap buy of an SPL token created on their platform, but for now I’m wondering if anyone has insight into how to buy a token that exists enough to be transferred from one wallet to another — before being able to do so on Jupiter and other dexes.

submitted by /u/a_dawg98
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