Solana Memecoins

I’ll do a long educational write up for y’all sometime, but in my journey to finally hit 6 figures in a year of trading memes i have learned a lot and wanted to share some tips.

  • Your custom bots will not beat a true sniper. They use 100+sol tips to land first and bribes that are unseen. Validators prioritize them

  • You need some tools. Photon or memescope to see new pairs, bull x is good too. Both are good to trade on as well. Have a telegram bot like trojan for swaps.

Have multiple wallets. Build conviction bags and strategies. I have an AI bag since the AI meta and only buy and rotate ai coins in that. I have conviction bags like Michi etc And a gamblefolio for new pairs

Keep gamblefolio small. Try to hit 10$-200$ before trying 200$ in every buy to 2000$ The people putting in those amounts – gamble heavy, have copy traders, have some conviction in play, are bots or farmers, have lots of capital, 100x+ of play. No reasonable person is going around putting 2k in a 200k mcap gamble unless they’re in a category above.

You need to understand the meta and narrative. You need to follow good accounts on crypto Twitter and no anyone with a 100k+ followers or even 20-40k is sus. You want some gems and low-key accounts and track major ones too.

You want to trade in a group. Doesn’t have to be a 5-10-15-20 sol private. Find a good group of friends or enter a small group where you have feedback, transparency and know what you’re getting into.

Don’t blindly trust anyone, they may have bangers short term but nobody outlives the market consistently. It’ll eat you. Take profits, even if it’s a 100$ for a meal or 300$ for a new shoe. I gave up about 4mil paperhanding as I bought goat at 40k for a sol. But I was happy with the 100sol at 4mil. It paid for two business class flights.

Be happy, don’t compare. It’s hard to even be profitable let alone 5-6-7 figs.

Trenching is a full time job. No escape. No body good is doing this with insider info, the best traders trade all day. Get equipped if you’re going to war.

Good luck.

submitted by /u/AzureDoSqlThings
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