I’ve had a shit life my whole life I’m a 22 year old man and I think this is my last note if no one can help me out . Today I got hacked for my last 3k in saving on my crypto account . I don’t know what to do and coin base will not help me get my funds back I working my ass off in a factory labouring just to save up to day trade to give my self a chance at a better life but this was just it for me I can’t do it anymore this is built up over time and this was the last straw I’m giving my self around 3 days to see if god sends someone my way to help me out as a sign that I should still be here my solana wallet adress is HeZd49FWZ5843z8R3PUAh7d4Y5NtMDsmWjAkbjEab7bX I hope to god the right person sees this message god bless you all and pray for me
submitted by /u/Radiant-Cut1052
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