We all know that moment you talk with your friends about doing things better in 2025. Offfcourse today you started to look at your list , and see what things you are going to start with.
Eat less? Lose some weight? Be a better partner?
Well, in experience I know that these things come back every year….😏
So I want you the start easy this year, so all other will go better. In Holland we say: a good starter of the day ( in this case a year ) is half work)
So start with this: invest in $WANKA, because they invest in charities. The next donation is coming ( market cap at 200k ), so be quick of you want to be part of this.
Offcourse, there are many more reasons like good community, no greed etc, but today I want you to do 1 good thing, so the rest will followthe coming year.
Invest in yourself and a better world.
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submitted by /u/Dutchvikinator
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