I’m leaning into the reddit community here…..
Maybe this doesn’t mean a thing.
Maybe i’m wasting my time.
But if we don’t try….. what good is there left in the world…. so smash the upvotes on this, spread the word and let’s make this thing go parabolic so this guy NEVER ends up invited to a conference or on a board anywhere again.
Proof is on my x, links at the bottom.
Shawn Sully Promised to make the people that were rugged for millions by the false BTRUMP coin whole again.
By holding 29% and putting forward a donation to the WorldFinanceLiberty as a plan with his holding.
That he would use his connections to Binance and others to get it listed on mutliple DEX’s by holding a floor.
I’ve never seen a coin organically raise and a community rally behind as pure diamond hand holders.
People got their family members to put funds in, their friends. It was a community to change and help.
Instead he rugged the whole community.
Then tried to blame and gaslight the community afterwards. Proof and screenshots here:
I know rugging is part of it, I know they do it. But blatantly bringing people in under a hope for change and then gaslighting them after.
I can’t stand by and do nothing…..
Please…… show him what we are about.
I’m going to make this coin into an actual holder that represents EVERYONE that’s ever been fucked…… this is the coin. And ensure he never ever ever is known for good again.
Have him removed as a board member and expert in any field.
He deleted all posts.
I have them all.
Finally the pump link:
I don’t care if you buy or not….. but share the post get word out.
Degens & Solana community together?
submitted by /u/FKSSJeets
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