I’ve seen so many posts over the last few weeks with people saying they’re done with memecoins and losing money to rugpulls and scammers
Before you buy your next memecoin, check out Coinskids discord.
It’s the one of the few socials I’ve been a part of that hasn’t felt toxic or I’ve felt stupid for asking questions, check it out!
It’s a super supportive community looking to educate on crypto markets, and help get our memecoin Fartboy to the moon and beyond!
Fartboy is a community take over (cto) project that we rescued from an already rug pulled coin.
Heres our link to the discord: https://discord.gg/coinskid
As well as other socials:
Reddit page: r/fartboycto X: https://x.com/fartboy_cto Fartboy CA: y1AZt42vceCmStjW4zetK3VoNarC1VxJ5iDjpiupump
submitted by /u/Sally_Man_Duh
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