Life’s been beautifully weird lately. Today is the 11th day I’ve LIFEstreamed around the clock for my solana memecoin BrettStream. Every day the community decides what challenge I should complete. I’ve done things such as walk 5 miles backward in a monkey suit, poured milk & chili beans over my head in public and fed the homeless. My ultimate goal with this project is to show people that if you’re a genuine person, you can succeed by putting yourself out there while being unapologetically yourself. If you fuck with me and my cause & want to move away from the toxicity in crypto, come join the movement.
ca: EnD1q45jCTNG6TaH4uvr9G2nSCsKh6vNe5nkXZCipump
Peace & Love, Brett McGinn
submitted by /u/bm124608
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