Following the announcements from a few exchanges about putting PAWSS in their pre-market, I’ve noticed some sort of re emergence from their community members and people that engaged with the project, which is to be expected, because when a project gets on the pre-market it most likely means it would be listing soon.
At the moment, a lot of the sentiments on social media and the web about the PAWS potential listing on the 18th are mixed but mostly positive. A lot of them are already predicting prices and a lot of this comes from the pre-market price.
Personally, I did not engage with the mini app, and my approach to it is getting some on Bitget pre market before it lists, I might decide to hold it for a while but it depends on how things go after listing. The thing with projects like this is that they mostly help with making the entry barrier into crypto very low through games, and outside that it now depends on how the community approaches it.
I’m not even sure what the gamefi space is like these days, and if there’s any other project worth looking at besides this one.
submitted by /u/minibuddy0
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