Buck is a meme, community-run coin. Memecoins are heavily community-driven tokens. Community breathes life, creating hype, popularity, and liquidity for such projects. A community-run coin is nothing without the united individuals who give it purpose.
At this stage we need to go from nothing to a price of $1 per buck.
– Distribution. It is necessary to distribute the bucks among the community. As many hands as possible. Every Solana user has an equal opportunity to participate.
There is no token sale, no private investors and no VC funds behind us. Community is the main stakeholder. More than 100% of the airdrop’s volume will be dedicated to the community. No locks, no vesting.
– Listing. Since we have neither investment firms nor VCs backing us, there is no extra sell pressure, and the community-driven token and its value will be determined by demand, supply, and community interest…
🚀🌟 $BUCK is aiming to 1$ 🌟🚀
Or later.
submitted by /u/DiscombobulatedAd972
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