Solana Memecoins

Bonkcoin is emerging as a new Scrypt algorithm powerhouse, if only in a fledgling stage.

Starting on December 31st, 2024, the Bonkcoin blockchain (BONC) was launched. It was then listed on exchanges Xeggex, Non-KYC and Exbitron. As the team behind BONC grew, it gathered steam! A brand kit was produced and the social media started to grow as well.

Recently, the team has gotten even larger, taking on a wide variety of talents to manage the community, marketing and merchandise, technical development, graphic design and many other areas. Bonkcoin released its first official newsletter to the community on February 14 2025, detailing its work behind the scenes regarding mobile wallet access, new exchanges, community events like rewarding trivia nights and fun concepts like crypto vouchers. You can now even find a livestream of BONC’s current price action on Twitch by looking up DiscordVickers!

From what I am seeing, I think Bonkcoin is becoming a new powerhouse in the Scrypt algorithm Layer 1 blockchains. BONC is a Scrypto King!

submitted by /u/Disastrous-Owl-3866
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