I’ve switched from trading on Photon to trading on Axiom today, and I believe its currently the best trading terminal in all of Crypto
It shows a lot more data compared to other terminals, e.g. past twitter usernames, bundle holdings, volume and more, this is great as it saves time by eliminating having to use other tools like mugetsu to check these things
It has a fee % of 0.7% – 0.9%, compared to the normal 1% fee almost all other trading terminals, this is amazing, a 10% – 30% decrease
It has a built in twitter monitor as fast as wuup, (this is helpful af), and a built in wallet tracker
It also has other features like the ability to add a custom RPC, a portfolio tracker with cool features like the ability to see daily pnl’s, perps, and more
These might not seem crazy, but in the trenches every small edge matters, thus I believe it’s beneficial switching to it
You can use it here: https://axiom.trade/@axiombeta
submitted by /u/No-Succotash955
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