I was always suspicious of GMGNs statistics as damn near every trader there, seems to be profitable. So I tested it with a new Wallet, with around 37€. Before making this post my Balance is now at around 18€, However GMGN claims that I profited about 10€ in the time span. I got rugged 1 time so I couldn’t sell, maybe GMGn doesn’t calculate this as loss (Even though the coin isn’t even listed in holdings anymore), But even that (-12€) Loss was calculated in, the Numbers would still be far of from reality. I also did not trade with high gas fees, nor used a service that has tons of fees, so that’s unfortunately not the explanation either. Maybe I am missing something here but this tool atleast for me, seems way to inaccurate to provide any use currently.
(Wallet: 5dhfKGeFUvu5yPeEy9RquDzcB8GkxEQ7bgRoXnpuTJQb)
submitted by /u/Alternative_Bee_2653
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