We are back at 1 mil while the whole market is bleeding heavily.
I never regretted my decision to go all in as we were at 350k mcap. Maybe this will turn out as best decision on my life.
Then 11 days ago I made another decision because of this unmatched energy which the TG group of Anarchy gives me.
I decided to quit smoking weed and cigarettes after 16 fucking years.
I am 32, so as you see I spent half of my life with taking drugs, which pushed me down on the ground instead making me “high” u know? They didn’t take me to moon.
I would never thought about it without Anarchy cuz all my “friends” said you can’t do that you are as addicted as a human can be.
Well.. I am not clean now. You can’t say this after 11 days. But my complete Mindset and my Attitude have changed and with that I will make it.
I will let you know how it is every few weeks from now.
Maybe I can motivate someone else NOT TO FUCK AROUND ANYMORE WITH HIS LIFE!
After maybe 2 Month I will buy a drug test kit and will post the result here.
At the moment it doesn’t make sense
The only thing what make sense at the moment is to run this bitch up with this strong as fuck community!
P.S. you all know what that means, Women loves Men who are focused and have goals they are working for! Imagine Anarchy will get you a Girlfriend you never thought you can have!
Everything is possible if you change your mind to a better place!
submitted by /u/justmitch92
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