$ANARCHY is a new crypto coin that just launched not too long ago I got in while the mcap was only 250k and it payed off. The creator Miazaki founder of Kendu Inu, Bueno, and Mega all three coins with great launches all hit mcaps of 50M minimum anarchy alone has nearly doubled my portfolio. Granted I have lost money investing in shitcoins without any research hoping for the best and ultimately got the rug pulled out from under me. I was about to give up but then I came across a post by Mr. Stevie it looked convincing I took a look at his post history and the charts of coins he mentioned before and behold he was not lying. I’m the get rich quick type of person like %99 of you this coin isn’t going to 1000x out of nowhere is a community effort and we have a strong one behind us and I believe we will hit atleast 100M mcap in the coming months which can change lives if your in your in if your not get left it’s. $ANARCHY $ANARCHY $ANARCHY
TG: AnarchySafeZone CA: GYPxyPtu6g1NmnEPPkTcCdSZz7ZMs6A1S3wTjnLdpump
submitted by /u/Ripped_mexican
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