Solana Memecoins

Are airdrops even worth the hassle anymore after the fleeting glory of $DOGS and $NOTCOIN? I’ll be real with you I’ve grown utterly jaded about them. The whole concept has lost its sparkle for me, especially after watching so many hopeful farmers and miners get burned time and again.

Sure, $NOTCOIN and $DOGS were a brief shining moment of triumph, a rare jackpot in a sea of letdowns, but everything that’s come since? Absolute rubbish. Disappointment after disappointment. And now, the latest one making waves all over the place is $PAWS, buzzing like it’s the next big thing. I’m skeptical, though I genuinely hope the folks chasing this one don’t end up with that familiar sinking feeling when it finally hits the market and the hype evaporates.

It’s just not my vibe anymore, this relentless hype cycle.That said, I did dip my toes into farming $PAWS myself couldn’t resist entirely, I suppose but my allocation? Pathetic. Barely a handful. Still, I’ve got this gut feeling I’ll come out ahead of the pack, even those who scored way bigger drops than me. Why? Because I’ve got a little ace up my sleeve. When I deposit my meager stash on the exchange, I’ll be in the running to split a juicy pool of 204,250 $PAWS.

I’m quietly confident I’ll build a pretty decent stack of $PAWS, despite starting small. So, tell mehow many $PAWS did you manage to snag from the airdrop? Did you get a hefty haul, or are you in the same boat as me, making the most of a modest drop?

submitted by /u/flashamazin
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