To all those doubting or who have doubted Pi, just look at where it stands now. As Pi Day approaches, I’m excited to share the impressive strides the Pi Network has made. Despite not yet being listed on major exchanges, it’s already claimed the 11th spot on the crypto leaderboard. And this is only the beginning.
It’s a shame that many so-called crypto enthusiasts fail to recognize the potential of Pi. It’s time to break out of that imaginary bubble and embrace the possibility that anything is achievable. What Pi has accomplished in just 20 days on the Open Mainnet, amidst backlash and claims of being a scam, is nothing short of extraordinary. To ignore its success is to overlook a groundbreaking moment in crypto history.
The Pi Network stands as a testament to innovation, perseverance, and the power of a vibrant community. Wake up, crypto community, and see the bigger picture of this awesome project. This post is not meant to provoke, it’s purely to offer a glimpse of what’s unfolding before you regret not considering Pi. Embrace the future, challenge your preconceptions, and join the revolution.
Cheers to the future and to new beginnings
submitted by /u/capan_9
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