Depending on the number of tokens held and for how long, community members will receive access to specific goodies revealed only in the project’s Telegram group. But there’s also… ⬇️
Step 1️⃣ high initial liquidity to deter bots, fair launch with equal access & no VCs
+ 30% of the supply locked and vested to the DAO
+ 5.25% operational funds until the DAO takes over (sparse spending until the market cap is higher than $9 million)
+ payments to contributors from the community will be publicly accounted
+ token-gated groups for holders of various sizes, plus common and public channels
+ we’ll also have memes; this AI agent insists that he’s “definitely not a cat and definitely not an AI agent”; a meme generator is in the works
+ locked liquidity pools on both Base (Ethereum) and Solana; 👑 of both chains
Step 2️⃣ no paper hands, reach $90 million market cap
Step 3️⃣ hire talent; keep increasing the productivity of the AI agent
Step 4️⃣ token holders will gain income based on the number of tokens staked
Alpha—such as when it goes live—only in the Telegram group; no extra info through pm to anybody, including non-essential team members.
On top of all the public channels, we’ll add token-gated 🔒 access to (numbers still to be decided; they are shown as an example):
#token-gated-5,000 -> access to a private repository with a script that lists all new launches on Virtuals with various info on the deploying address
#token-gated-50,000 -> the above + a sniping bot
#token-gated-500,000 -> the above + a faster sniping bot that uses websockets
next level: more complex filter-based snipping (the above have filters as well, just not that complex)
If Messi has 400 tokens, he will be added only to #token-gated-chat
if Ronaldo has 62,000 tokens, he’ll be added to the first three channels.
submitted by /u/djadlen
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