I’ve been trying to get in to a role as a customer support specialist at Exodus wallet for many years. I’ve noticed that they tend to make postings for multiple customer support “engineers,” and then proceed to close these postings quite frequently.
Employment-wise, in crypto this is not my first rodeo in a manner of speaking. I’ve worked remote for a ton of altcoin projects, but I already know the hiring process at exodus like the back of my hand because I’ve applied to work for them many times.
However, there is one question that has prevailed in my mind, and this might be the first time I’ve decided not to hit that “apply” button. “Why are they hiring so many customer support people so frequently?” this is making me think, “Would I get fired less than 3 months after they hired me or something like that?”
Share your crypto-employment stories.
submitted by /u/AL_throwaway_123
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